This kit of supplies is available for purchase here, and can be shipped for a fee, or picked up curbside. The kit includes the underlined items. Please indicate in the notes section of your order if you would like to schedule curbside pick-up, or if you need your kit mailed to you. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to purchase a selection of items different than the kit.

Color in Still Life,
Susan Abbott, Acrylics

Sketchbook of regular paper of any size for notes and drawings

B or 2B pencils,

Kneaded eraser

2 sticks of compressed charcoal (soft or medium)

Rags or paper towels

Masking tape

Minimum Pigments (for oil, watercolor, or acrylic):

(If you already have paints or a watercolor palette set up, bring those. The following colors are those I use and teach with, so it would be useful to add them to your palette if you don’t already have them. Buy professional grade paint.)

Cadmium Lemon Yellow

Cadmium Yellow Pale

Cadmium Red (not deep)

Permanent Alizarin Crimson or Thalo Red

Ultramarine Blue

Cerulean Blue or Manganese Blue

Prussian Blue or Thalo Blue

Viridian Green or Winsor or Thalo Green

Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna

Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber

(in oil or acrylic) Flake, Titanium or other white

In Acrylic: Medium

Oil and Acrylic:

An assortment of medium and large round and flat brushes

Gessoed watercolor paper (student grade ok) 2 sheets cut in half

1 stretched and gessoed canvas, approx. 15” x 17”

The kit includes the underlined items.
Cost is $184.18 plus sales tax of $11.05 for a Total = $ 195.23