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! For Sunday 1/19: Due to winter weather, all classes and programs are canceled. The Gallery, Store, and League offices and buildings are closed. Please stay safe !
To join The Art League’s press list, request images, or receive further information, please contact Ariane D’Souza, Director of Communications, at 571-867-9692 or [email protected].
High resolution images are available for editorial coverage of our exhibitions and programs.
The Washington Post, December 28, 2017, In the Galleries by Mark Jenkins, (Darryl Halbrooks featured)
AlexandriaLivingMagazine.com, December 28, 2017, 50th Anniversary: The Art League’s Patrons’ Show 2018
The Georgetowner, December 7, 2017, Weekend Round Up, (Artfête featured)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, Novermber 26, 2017, Things to Do: Take advantage of area discounts and special events (Artête featured)
The Zebra, November 7, 2017, Alexandria Art League Showcasing Veteran Artwork (IMPart)
ModernLuxury.com, November 3, 2017, Events: Art on Tap
TheListAreYouOnIt.com, November 3, 2017, Art on Tap at The Art League
Washingtonian.com, November 2, 2017, 6 Fun Food Events Around DC This Weekend (Art on Tap featured)
DCRefined.com, November 2, 2017, Weekend Report: 14 Events Not to Miss This Weekend (Art on Tap featured)
The Albany Times Union, October 31, 2017, “More Fun in Alexandria, VA and Visit to Nearby Mount Vernon,” by Kim Stuart Swidler
The Alexandria Gazette Packet, October 5, 2017, Entertainment, pg. 28 (Jane Johnson’s exhibit featured)
The Washington Post, September 21, 2017, In the Galleries: Natural Order and Natural Disorder, by Mark Jenkins (Review of M. Alexander Gray’s solo exhibit)
The Breeze (JMU), September 21, 2017, After 36 Years in a Closet, JMU Planetarium Canvas Surfaces (Art League instructor David Carter)
Thrillist, September 14, 2017, Everything You Need to Do in DC This Weekend (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
DCRefined.com, September 14, 2017, Weekend Report: 14 Events Not to Miss This Weekend (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
The Georgetowner, September 14, 2017, Weekend Round Up (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
ExtraAlex blog (Visit Alexandria), September 7, 2017, 11 Can’t-Miss Fall Art Events in Alexandria (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser and Art on Tap featured)
The Georgetowner, September 7, Weekend Round Up, (BG Muhn’s North Korean art lecture featured)
The Washington Post, Going Out Guide for Northern Virginia, September 7-13, 2017 (Alexander Gray’s solo exhibit featured)
The Washington Post Magazine, August 31, 2017, Area Has a Bounty of Fall Street Festivals (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser featured)
NEA Art Works Blog, August 17, 2017, Creative Forces: Art at the Wheel and at the Forge (Article on our IMPart Outreach Program)
ExtraAlex blog (Visit Alexandria), August 17, 2017, Top 10 Reasons to Visit Alexandria This Fall (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
VacationIdea.com, August 3, 2017, Day Trip Ideas: The Art League in Alexandria, VA
The Washington Post, July 29, 2017, In the Galleries: A Colorful Survey of Washington Artists, by Mark Jenkins (Review of Sally Davies’ solo exhibit)
Virginia Living, July 25, 2017, In the Groove (Profile of artist Sheep Jones, former Art League student)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, July 13, 2017, Taking the canvas outside (Plein air painting at The Art League featured)
The Alexandria Times, July 7, 2017, Davies Leaves an Impression (Article on July solo artist Sally Davies)
The Washington Post, June 22, 2017, In the Galleries: This Art Will Really Speak to You, by Mark Jenkins (Review of Sage Chandler’s solo exhibit, “The FOWL MOOD Show”)
Washingtonian.com, June 9, 2017, 8 Great Food Events Around Washington This Weekend (Art on the Vine featured)
Georgetowner.com, June 8, 2017, Weekend Round Up (Art on the Vine featured)
VisitAlexandriaVA.com, June 7, 2017, Things to do this Weekend in Alexandria (Art on the Vine featured)
Washingtonian.com, June 7, 2017, Parents, Stop Freaking Out! These 8 Super Awesome Summer Camps Still Have Openings (Art Camp featured)
WashingtonPost.com, June 7, 2017, Alexandria-Arlington Community Calendar, June 8-15, 2017 (“The FOWL MOOD Show” and Art on the Vine featured)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, June 7, 2017, Meet the Artist, pg. 18 (Sage Chandler’s “The FOWL MOOD Show” featured)
ModernLuxury.com, Events: The Art League’s First Art & Wine Event (Art on the Vine)
Patch.com Old Town Alexandria, May 11, 2017, Artifications Podcast Launches Fifth Episode (Director of Communications Erica Fortwengler interviewed — listen to the podcast)
Alexandria Gazette Packet (p. 22) and Mount Vernon Gazette (p. 15), May 11, 2017 (Lesa Cook’s “Gods, Heroes, and Fools”)
East City Art, May 8, 2017, The Art League Presents Lesa Cook “Gods, Heroes, and Fools”
The Washington Post, May 3, 2017, Going Out Guide for Northern Virginia(Lesa Cook’s “Gods, Heroes & Fools”)
Northern Virginia Housewives, May 2, 2017, Summer Camp Guide 2017(Art Camp)
Modern Luxury, May 2017, Artist Lesa Cook Portrays Greek and Roman Gods in a Contemporary Context
The Frederick News-Post, April 6, 2017, Day-tripper: A quaint and cosmopolitan Old Town Alexandria (Art League school mentioned)
The Washington Post, March 17, 2017, In the Galleries: Four Curators Share One Spotlight, by Mark Jenkins (Review of Heidi Nam’s solo exhibit)
Northern Virginia Magazine, March 2017, Best Summer Camps 2017(Summer Art Camp)
The Zebra, February 23, 2017, A League of Their Own (Patrons’ Show Fundraiser)
The Washington Post, Galleries, December 23, 2016, In the galleries: Exhibition explores the art of mentoring, by Mark Jenkins (review of Dennis Crayon’s exhibit)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, December 22, 2016, Our 2017 NoVA Resolutions, Pick Up A New Skill (register for classes at The Art League)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, December 8, 2016, Artist Dennis Crayon merges reality and illusion at Art League Exhibit
The Georgetowner, December 1, 2016, Weekend Round Up (Holiday Ceramics Sale featured)
ExtraAlex blog, December 1, 2016, 15 Things to do in Alexandria this Weekend (Holiday Ceramics Sale featured)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, November 28, 2016, Get into the holiday spirit at these NoVA events (Holiday Ceramics Sale featured)
EastCityArt.com, November 28, 2016, The Art League’s Annual Holiday Ceramics Sale
DCist.com, November 25, 2016, DCist’s 2016 Local Holiday Market Guide(Holiday Ceramics Sale featured)
NEA podcast, November 11, 2016, Voices From The Art League’s IMPart Program
DCist.com, November 10, 2016, Soomin Ham’s Photography is a Gut-Wrenching Exploration of Loss and Memory, by Pat Padua (“Sound of Butterfly”)
DCist.com, November 3, 2016, Weekend Picks: 13 Things to do In and Around DC (Art on Tap featured)
WashingtonPost.com, November 2, 2016, Going Out Guide for Northern Virginia: November 3-9 (Art on Tap featured)
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, October 31, 2016, The Art League Shines a Light on Local Artists and Breweries (Art on Tap)
The Washington Post, Express, October 20, 2016, Best of DC 2016 (Art League Voted the Best Place to Take Classes)
National Endowment for the Arts, October 19, 2016, IMPart: Injured Military Personnel + Art
Technical.ly DC, October 11, 2016, This developer’s side project is a fan favorite among NoVA art lovers (Patrons’ Show app)
The Washington Post, September 24, 2016, In the Galleries by Mark Jenkins (Review of Michael Fischerkeller’s “The Art of Politics”)
The Washington Post, September 15, 2016, 17 Things to Do in the DC Area (The Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
Feedspot, September 14, 2016, Top 100 Art Blogs Every Artist Must Read(The Art League Blog is #29)
ExtraAlex blog, August 18, 2016, Top 10 Reasons to Visit Alexandria This Fall (Art on Tap and Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
The Washington Post, August 11, 2016, Alexandria/Arlington Community Events (August exhibits featured)
The Washington Post, August 5, 2016, A community in flux, Old Town North has long-lasting appeal (Art League featured with image)
The Washington Post, August 4, 2016, Alexandria/Arlington Community Events (August exhibits featured)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, July 13, 2016, Alexandria: ‘Not a Box’ Now on Display
Blog.VisitAlexandria.com, July 7, 2016, 8 Maker Spaces in Alexandria
The Washington Post, July 7, 2016, Alexandria/Arlington Community Events (Kathleen Best Gillmann)
The Washington Post, June 30, 2016, Going Out Guide for Northern Virginia (Not a Box featured)
Alexandria Patch, June 30, 2016, Summer Art Camps Underway at The Art League
The Washington Post, June 30, 2016, Alexandria/Arlington Community Events (Kathleen Best Gillmann)
Burke Connection and Alexandria Gazette Packet, June 30, 2016, Burke Resident to Open New Exhibition at Torpedo Factory (Kathleen Best Gillmann)
The Washington Post, June 2, 2016, Alexandria/Arlington Community Events (June exhibits)
The Washington Post, May 27, 2016, In the galleries: Playful piece will keep you on your toes at Flashpoint gallery, by Mark Jenkins (review of Nancy McIntyre’s solo exhibit, “Rhythms of Time”)
NorthernVirginiaMagazine.com, May 27, 2016, Torpedo Factory Art Center will unveil Army-Navy “E” Award-inspired paper sculpture in June (Andy Yoder’s Highest Honor project)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, May 27, 2016, Weekend Fun: May 27-June 5, “Rhythms of Time” Closes June 5 (Nancy McIntyre’s “Rhythms of Time”)
DC Military Magazine, April 29, 2016, On the Homefront (IMPart participants Jon and Melissa Meadows)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, April 28, 2016, Banishing Boredom with Arts(Summer Art Camp)
The Washington Post, Express, April 28, 2016, 10 Things to do in DC this weekend (Art on the Rocks)
WashingtonPost.com, April 28, 2016, Going Out Guide for Northern Virginia, April 28-May 4 (Art on the Rocks)
NorthernVirginiaMagazine.com, April 26, 2016, Local Bartenders Mix Art and Spirits (Art on the Rocks)
NorthernVirginiaMagazine.com, The April Guide, Spotlight: Misfits
Fine Art Connoisseur, Fine Art Today Newsletter, “Oaxaca’s Misfits”
Brightest Young Things, April 4, 2016, Free & Almost Free Things To Do This Week in DC (“Misfits”)
Daily Campello Art News, dcartnews.Blogspot.com, April 4, 2016, Teresa Oaxaca at The Art League
Old Town Crier, April 1, 2016, Oaxaca! (Teresa Oaxaca’s “Misfits”)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, March 31, 2016, ‘Misfits Follows ‘Caribbean – How Beautiful’ (pg. 14)
EastCityArt.com, March 30, 2016, April Events at the Torpedo Factory Art Center (Teresa Oaxaca’s “Misfits” featured)
HolaCultura.com, March 10, 2016, Latino Links: Going Out in the Week Ahead (Fritz DesRoches featured)
Brutforce.com, February 22, 2016, Surreal Recovery Through Art: A Conversation with Jon and Melissa Meadows
CapacityInteractive.com, January 28, 2016, featured client case study, “It’s an Art: How Digital Marketing Increased Class Registration by 7%”
Alexandria Gazette Packet, January 21, 2016, ‘Muted’ – New exhibit at Torpedo Factory emphasizes subtleties
Alexandria Gazette Packet, January 21, 2016, The Art League’s Patrons’ Show Returns, pg. 13
Elan Magazine, January 2016, On View: Muted
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, December 24, 2015, On Display: ‘No Ordinary Woman’ (Kathlyn Avila)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, December 22, 2015, Avila’s ‘No Ordinary Woman’ on Display at Art League, pg. 12 (Kathlyn Avila)
ExtraAlex, December 3, 2015, Weekend Picks: December 4-6, 2015 (Artfête weekend)
The Black Elephant Blog, November 6, 2015, Taking Note: Art, Torpedos, and John Singer Sargent
Washingtonian.com After Hours blog, November 5, 2015, Things to Do in DC This Weekend (Art on Tap)
The Washington Post, November 4, 2015, ’Tis Already the Season for Holiday Preparation (Art on Tap)
HillRag.com, November 3, 2015, Artist Profile: Jon Meadows
Michelle Obama, October 28, 2015, Remarks By the First Lady at Invictus Games Event (Jon Meadows and IMPart)
ABC News, October 8, 2015, After Suffering Multiple Head Injuries, An Army Veteran Finds Peace in Ceramics (feature on Jon Meadows)
The Washington Post, October 8, 2015, Here’s what female chefs look like, in the eyes of artists (Danni Dawson paints chef and former Art League model Carla Hall)
The Washington Post, October 2, 2015, In the galleries: Works in Progress, by Mark Jenkins (review of Wijati Soemantoro’s exhibit)
Metro Weekly, September 17, 2015, Above & Beyond: Fall Arts Preview 2015 (Fall events)
The Washington Post, September 14, 2015, 5 Free (Or Almost Free) Things to Do During the Week of Sept. 14–20 (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
VacationIdea.com, September 14, 2015, 25 Best Things to Do in Alexandria
Patch.com Old Town Alexandria, August 4, 2015, Alexandria’s Premier Art Festival Returns September 19th & 20th (Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
Federal News Radio, July 24, 2015, Recovering Soldier’s Art Gets Gallery Exhibit (Jon Meadows – “A Soldier’s Voice”)
WAMU 88.5FM, July 16, 2015, Art Beat with Lauren Landau (Jon Meadows – “A Soldier’s Voice”)
The Roanoker, July 10, 2015, by Deborah Huso, Old Town and Beyond: Go Nova!
Northern Virginia Magazine, June 26, 2015, ‘Potomac Skies’ gallery brings NoVA’s natural beauty to light
Smithsonian Folklife Festival blog, June 26, 2015, Exploring with Ellie: Screen-Printing with MONKY
FreeCanvasDC.com, June 21, 2015, Week of June 21-27 (“Tabletop” and “Potomac Skies” featured)
Northern Virginia Magazine, The Game Plan, June 11, 2015, 5 Debut Summer Camps You Haven’t Missed
Northern Virginia Magazine, The Game Plan, May 19, 2015, 5 Fun Summer Classes for Grown-Ups
Patch.com, May 12, 2015, Opening Reception Thursday for John Gosling’s “Printed Art: The Potomac”
Connection Newspapers, April 30, 2015, Diverse Camps Offer Summer Fun
Washington Post, April 28, 2015, A Week of Food, Wine, and Bloody Mary Festivals (Art on the Rocks)
Northern Virginia Magazine, March 2015, Budding Artists
Red Tricycle, February 19, 2015, Kid Craft Classes You Didn’t Know Existed
CBS DC, February 16, 2015, Best Sketching Classes in Washington, D.C.
Alexandria Times, January 19, 2015, Artist uses Potomac as inspiration for Art League exhibit
WAMU 88.5, December 16, 2014, Art Beat with Lauren Landau (“Friend Me”)
Patch.com Old Town Alexandria, December 4, 2014, Weekend: The Art League’s Artfete Holiday Party
Washington Post Going Out Guide, November 30, 2014, Free and Easy: Holidaze, Artfete and Indie Arcade
Washingtonian.com After Hours blog, November 4, 2014, November Art to See in Washington (“Le Temps Retrouvé/Revisiting the Past”)
Washingtonian.com After Hours blog, October 2, 2014, What to Do This Weekend (Art on Tap) and October Art in Washington (Art Now)
The District Insider, September 29, 2014, This Week! Music Agenda (Art on Tap)
Virginia Beer Trail, September 29, 2014, The Art League’s Art on Tap.
DCist, September 12, 2014, Out and About: Weekend Picks. (The Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser)
The Washington Post, Museums, September 7, 2014, In the Galleries: Watercolors, Silkscreen, and Portraiture in Alexandria. (Review of “Influence & Inspiration” Exhibit)
Washingtonian.com, After Hours blog, September 3, 2014, Great Art to See in Washington This September. (“Contemporary Realism” featured)
Washington City Paper, Arts Desk, September 2, 2014, Sixty Years Worth of Art League Instructors Show Their Work.(Review of “Influence & Inspiration” Exhibit)
The Washington Post, Museums, August 30, 2014, In the Galleries: A meeting of lines in art and architecture. (Review of “Structures” exhibit)
Washingtonian.com, August 20, 2014, 25 Places to Take Fun Classes in Washington.
Washingtonian, August 2014, Plunge In: Three Stimulating Hobbies for Water Lovers.(Plein air painting classes at The Art League)
Washingtonian.com, After Hours blog, August 5, 2014, August Art in Washington. (“’Scapes” Exhibit featured)
Elan Magazine, August 2014, “Free Form: The Beauty of Imperfection.” (Courtney S. Hengerer’s Playground)
Washingtonian.com, June 4, 2014, June Art Exhibits and Events in Washington. (“Neo-Expressionism” exhibit & Susan O’Neill’s “Figural FINE LINES” featured)
Washingtonian Magazine, June 2014, “Paint the Town: Looking for an evening out that’s fun and different? Art walks offer interesting exhibits, live music, and hands-on crafts.”
The Alexandria Times, May 22, 2014, Martha Wilson Lecture at The Art League.
AlexandriaNews.org, May 20, 2014, Pioneering Feminist Artist Martha Wilson Comes to The Art League.
Dcist.com, April 28, 2014, About Tonight. (Art on the Rocks featured)
Washingtonian.com, April 28, 2014, After Hours Blog. (Art on the Rocks featured)
Washington Post, April 27, 2014, In the Galleries: ‘Louloudi,’ ‘Sway,’ ‘Two Architects — Design,’ ‘Atmosphere.’ (Natalie Shudt’s solo exhibit “Sway” featured)
Washington Korean Cable TV, April 25, 2014. Feature on The Art League and the April Pop Art Exhibit. (Segment begins at 2:53)
Philadelphia Inquirer and Philly.com, April 24, 2014, “Mirror, Mirror: ‘Happy’ Clothes for Clapping Along.”
WUSA9, April 18, 2014, “Pharrell Hat Part of Ode to Pop Art in Alexandria” and “‘Happy’ Art on Display in Alexandria”
Washington Post, April 16, 2014, “Pharrell’s Hat, Now on View in Alexandria.”
DCist, April 15, 2014, “Pharrell’s Hat is Now Pop Art at Alexandria Gallery.”
WestEndAlexandria.Patch.com, April 15, 2014, “In Alexandria: Pharrell’s Hat Subject of Pop Art Piece in Art League Gallery Exhibit.”
Washington City Paper, April 11, 2014, Best of DC. (The Art League Blog voted runner-up in Best Arts Blog category.)
Northern Virginia Magazine, March 2014, “Cocoon Series.” “E.E. McCollum distorts the human body, challenging the way we see the nude form.”
Northern Virginia Magazine, March 2014, “Summer Camps Your Kids Will Be Excited About.“
American Art Collector, March 2014, “Art Lover’s Guide to Collecting Fine Art in Washington, D.C. & Mid-Atlantic States.” The Art League Gallery and School featured.
The Alexandria Gazette Packet, HomeLifeStyle, March 13, 2014. “15th Biennial Ikebana Show at The Art League.”
The Washington Post, Going Out Guide, Northern Virginia, March 12, 2014. “The Cocoon Series” by E.E. McCollum featured.
Hill Rag, Art in the City, March 5, 2014. E.E. McCollum’s “The Cocoon Series” featured.
BrightestYoungThings.com, Your Best March, March 4, 2014. E.E. McCollum’s “The Cocoon Series” featured.
Lenswork Magazine, Alumni News, March 2014. E.E. McCollum’s exhibit at The Art League Gallery.
Examiner.com, March 1, 2014. The Art League Student and Faculty Exhibit.
WETA Magazine, February 2014. WETA Donor Profile features The Art League
The Washington Post, Spring Arts Preview, February 2, 2014. Patrons’ Show, Student/Faculty Show, Ikebana Show, ColorField, “The Cocoon Series,” PopArt, “Sway,” The Feminist Movement in Art, and “Playground” featured.
Washingtonian After Hours blog, January 2, 2014. “Editor’s Picks: January Art Exhibitions, Gallery Openings, and Museum Events in Washington.” “Abstract Expressionism Revisited” featured.
The Alexandria Gazette Packet & Mount Vernon Gazette, January 1, 2014.
The Washington Post, December 19, 2013. “Impart exhibition at Torpedo Factory: Ceramics offers hands-on healing for veterans.”
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Lauren Landau, December 19, 2013. Thien-Kim Pham’s “The Street Sense Project” featured.
Cooperative Living Magazine, November-December 2013.
“Art & Archaeology in Alexandria’s Old Town.” The Art League was profiled.
Artfête Open House and Holiday Party:
Guest of a Guest.com, November 19, 2013. “The November Art Scene: Everything You Need to Know to Get Cultured!” “Cities in the Air” exhibit featured.
Old Town Alexandria Patch, October 31, 2013. “Cocktails and Artistry Collide at The Art League.”
Washingtonian, After Hours, October 21, 2013. “What to Do This Week.”Art on the Rocks featured.
Northern Virginia Magazine, The Game Plan, October 18, 2013. “Art League Hosts ‘Body Language’ Cocktail Competition.”
Alexandria Gazette, October 3, 2013. “Celebrating Seaport Day 2013.” Instructor Patrick Kirwin’s boat painting demonstration.
LocalKicks.com, September 6, 2013. “Over 200 Art Classes to Choose From This Fall At The Art League School.”
Scoutmob.com, September 5, 2013. What To Do This Weekend. Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser featured.
Washington Life Magazine, August 1, 2013. FYIDC: Best Bets. “Shapes” sculpture exhibit featured.
Washington Life Magazine, Summer 2013. “Old Town Interlude,” summer fashion spread. WL photographed one of the looks in The Art League Gallery (see page 38) and we hosted them for the day as they photographed various looks around Old Town.
Washingtonian Magazine, July 2013, Best of Issue. #36: Our kids have fun hobbies. “Cartooning. Budding Garry Trudeaus ages five and up can hone their skills in classes at the Art League in Alexandria, which also hosts children’s classes in ceramics, drawing and painting, and more.”
The Washington Post, July 27, 2013. Galleries column by Mark Jenkins. Review of Jennifer Brewer Stone’s solo exhibit, “Fantasy of the Real.”
GuestofaGuest.com, “Everything You Need to Know: This Week On DC’s Art Scene,” July 10, 2013. Jennifer Brewer Stone’s “Fantasy of the Real” featured.
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Lauren Landau, July 5, 2013. Jennifer Brewer Stone’s “Fantasy of the Real” featured.
Washingtonian.com, Editor’s Picks: The Best Washington Art Exhibitions and Openings to See in July. July 3, 2013. Jennifer Brewer Stone’s “Fantasy of the Real” featured.
Alexandria Gazette Packet, June 27, 2013. “Oil Paintings by Jennifer Brewer Stone” featured in “Entertainment” with three, color photos.
GuestofaGuest.com, “Everything You Need to Know: This Week On DC’s Art Scene,” June 25, 2013. Bob Tetro’s “Yellowstone Abstracted” featured.
The Washington Post, June 23, 2013, Galleries column by Mark Jenkins. Review of Bob Tetro’s solo exhibit, “Yellowstone Abstracted.”
Washington Blade, June 21, 2013. Bob Tetro’s “Yellowstone Abstracted featured in “Hot Hits & Hidden Jewels” with color photo.
The Billings Outpost (Billings, Montana), “Yellowstone gets fresh approach,” June 20, 2013. Front-page article on Bob Tetro’s solo exhibit “Yellowstone Abstracted.” (Link to text of the article)
LiquidHip.com, June 4, 2013, “The Art League is a Good Will Pick,” by Justin Iger. Write-up and overview of The Art League.
Practical Fishkeeping (United Kingdom publication), June 4, 2013, “Artist Turns Trash Into Treasure.”
The Alexandria Times, May 30, 2013, “A New Look at Yellowstone National Park,” by Ana Rampy. Article on Bob Tetro’s solo exhibit, “Yellowstone Abstracted.”
Refinery29.com, May 23, 2013, “8 So-Cool Art Classes to Help Unleash Your Creative Genius”, by Colleen Kelly. The Art League School is featured.
TravelNerd.com, May 20, 2013, “Paris, Barcelona and… Asheville? The Best Small Cities for Art Lovers,” by Annie Wang. Alexandria, VA and The Art League are featured.
The Washington Post, Kids Post, May 19, 2013, “Trash to Treasure: Alexandria Man Turns Trash into Unique Sculptures,” by Moira E. McLaughlin. (Noah’s “make your own trash project,” and online photo gallery)
Washingtonian.com, After Hours Blog: What to Do This Weekend, May 9, 2013. Noah Williams’ “One Man’s Trash” featured.
NorthernVirginiaMagazine.com, May 8, 2013, “Pop Goes the Art in Old Town.” Noah Williams’ “One Man’s Trash” featured.
OldTownAlexandria.Patch.com, May 1, 2013, “Talking Trash with Noah Williams,” by Sharon McLoone. (Also featured on the front page of the HuffPost DC)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Lauren Landau, April 3, 2013, “Everyday Gods & Goddesses.”
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Lauren Landau, March 12, 2013, “State of Emergency.”
American Art Collector, March 2013, “Art Lover’s Guide to Collecting Fine Art in Washington, D.C. & Mid-Atlantic States.” The Art League Gallery and School featured.
Art Jewelry Magazine, March 2013, “Reader Forum.” Jewelry workshop with Mary Ellen Trozzo featured.
The Mike O’Meara Show, February 18, 2013, Episode 759. Oscar Santana discusses his experience at the 2013 Patrons’ Show in the “Oscar’s World” segment.
Elan Magazine, January 2013, “Center Stage.” Profile of pastel artist and Art League President Nancy Fortwengler.
OldTownAlexandria.Patch.com, January 14, 2013, “2013 Alexandria Summer Day Camp Guide.” (Summer Art Camp “offers a multitude of arts experiences for ages five to teen”)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Lauren Landau, December 17, 2012, “Up Close & Too Personal.”
Washingtonian, December 12, 2012, “Arts Aplenty in Alexandria.”
Old Town Crier, December 2012, “Gallery Beat: More Good Stuff.” F. Lennox Campello reviews “Small Works” and “Up Close & Too Personal.”
The Washington Examiner, November 29, 2012, “The List.” Artfête named the weekend’s “best gathering.”
OldTownAlexandria.Patch.com, November 19, 2012, “West End Artist Gets ‘Personal’ at Torpedo Factory.” (Interview with December solo artist Suzanne Vigil.)
AskMissA.com, Capital Sophisticate, November 15, 2012 “Artfête Open House And Holiday Party To Benefit The Art League In Alexandria, Virginia.”
Refinery29.com, November 9, 2012, “14 Cool Classes To Boost Your Creativity — & Make You Feel Super-Smart.” (November Shibori Workshop featured)
CBS DC, October 29, 2012, “Best Artistic Photographers in DC.” (Art League solo artist Andrew Zimmermann recognized: “Zimmermann may be the only D.C. photographer solely committed to the original processes of photography.”)
The Washington Post, October 26, 2012, “At Goethe-Institut, Berlin ideas breathe life into a D.C. vision.” (Juan Hernandez’s solo exhibit “Tierra y Memoria” reviewed: “skillful evocations of land and memory.”)
The Hill Rag, October 10, 2012, “Art in the City”. (Juan Hernandez’s solo exhibit “Tierra y Memoria” featured: “These are strong, well-painted depictions of ordinary life in the streets.”)
Pink Line Project, October 8, 2012, “Drink cocktails to support art education.”
The Washingtonian, After Hours blog, October 3, 2012, “Art Exhibitions, Gallery Openings, and Events in October.” (Juan Hernandez’s solo exhibit “Tierra y Memoria” featured)
America’s Promise Alliance, September 13, 2012, “100 Best Communities for Young People: Alexandria, Virginia.” (Space of Her Own featured.)
Action Alexandria, September 10, 2012, “This Week’s Featured Nonprofit Spotlight is The Art League.”
NorthernVirginiaMag.com, Swag Blog, September 7, 2012, “FNO Alexandria Fashion Show Snaps.” “Several of the amazing outfits also featured fascinators by internationally known milliner and Art League instructor Jan Wutkowski.”
Fox 5 DC Morning Show with Holly Morris, September 4, 2012. “Kick off the fall shopping season with Fashion’s Night Out Alexandria.” (Jan Wutkowski’s signature fascinator featured, and Art League instructor Patrick Kirwin sketches Morris as a preview for the Saturday Drawing Marathon)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, August 23-29, 2012, “Online Auction will Benefit Art League.”
Alexandria Times, August 23, 2012, Patrice Culligan, “Thumbs Up” to the “impending Art League online silent auction to benefit the Madison Annex build-out.”
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, August 17, 2012, “The Art of Outdoors” (‘Scapes exhibit featured)
Dcist.com, Arts Agenda, August 8, 2012 (‘Scapes and “The Shape of Things” featured)
HuffPost DC, Top 5 for Wednesday, August 8, 2012, #2: The Shape of Things at The Art League.
The Express, Weekend Pass, July 26, 2012, “I Spy a Spire” (Image from Cecily Corcoran’s solo exhibit “Genius Loci” featured)
Alexandria Gazette Packet, July 19-25, 2012, “Art League Kicks Off 30-Something Summer Series With Legacy x 3.”
The Express, Weekend Pass, July 19, 2012, “And You Spend Your Drive Texting” (Image from Cecily Corcoran’s solo exhibit “Genius Loci” featured)
Dcist.com, Arts Agenda, July 18, 2012. (Legacy x 3 sale featured)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, July 4, 2012, “The District of America” (Cecily Corcoran’s solo exhibit “Genius Loci” featured)
HuffPost DC, Top 5 for Thursday, May 31, 2012, #3: 14th Biennial Ikebana Show at The Art League Gallery.
The Washington Post, Arts, May 13, 2012, “Mother’s Wisdom, Borne Out in Clay.” (Review of Elissa Farrow-Savos’s solo exhibit “Conversations With My Mother”)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, April 6, 2012, “Earth Month?”
AlexandriaTalks.com, March 23, 2012, “Play at The Art League.”
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, March 21, 2012, “Play.”
OldTownAlexandria.Patch.com, March 14, 2012, “Hafer Leaves Behind an Art League Legacy”
Alexandria.WUSA9.com, February 1, 2012, “Photography Exhibit by SOHO Girls Featured in The Art League Gallery”
Washington City Paper, January 13, 2012, “Self-Improvement 2012” (The Art League School featured)
The Washington Post, Style Section, December 22, 2011, “Tricking Eyes and Drawing Them In” (Review of Guy and Marco Rando’s solo exhibit)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, December 13, 2011, “Father and Son Make Transitions.” (Guy and Marco Rando’s solo exhibit)
OldTownAlexandria.Patch.com, November 6, 2011, “Art League Exhibits a Great Place for Holiday Gifts.”
Washingtonpost.com, Going Out Guide blog, October 31, 2011, “Arts briefs: ‘Retro Rendezvous’; FotoWeek DC; Degas at the Phillips Collection,” (“What Art to Wear” exhibit featured)
Washingtonpost.com, Lifestyle, October 14, 2011, “Art and Other Cultural Events in the Washington Area in October.” (Art on the Rocks featured)
Pink Line Project, October 6, 2011, “Art on the Rocks – Stirring Up the Typcial Art Experience.”
Alexandria.WUSA9.com, September 6, 2011, “The Art League at the Alexandria Festival for the Art with the Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser.”
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, August 9, 2011, ” ‘Scapes at The Art League.”
Washingtonpost.com, Lifestyle, August 2, 2011, ” ‘Scapes Exhibition to Open at The Art League.”
Dcist.com, Arts Agenda, July 13, 2011. (Write up for Frances Borchardt’s “Views of South County” solo exhibit)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, July 8, 2011, “Views of South County.” (Frances Borchardt’s solo exhibit)
Northernvirginiamag.com, The Game Plan, July 6, 2011, “Local Artist Brings Photographs to The Art League.”
The Washington Post, Style, June 23, 2011, “Dan Tague’s ‘Kids Are Alright’: Art mixes money, oil and protest.” (Review of Ann Zahn’s Solo Exhibit)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, May 23, 2011, “BAA-MERICA!”
Dcist.com, Arts Agenda, May 11, 2011. (Write up for Leslie Blackmon’s “Baa-merica! Icons Revisited)
WAMU 88.5FM, ‘Art Beat’ with Sean Rameswaram, April 25, 2011, “FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD.” (Cindy Packard Richmond’s solo exhibit)
Dcist.com, Arts Agenda, April 13, 2011. (Write up for Cindy Packard Richmond’s solo exhibit “Food, Glorious Food”)
Capitol File Magazine, April 5, 2011, “Art and Foodies Unite.” (Cindy Packard Richmond’s solo exhibit “Food, Glorious Food”)
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