! For Sunday 1/19: Due to winter weather, all classes and programs are canceled. The Gallery, Store, and League offices and buildings are closed. Please stay safe !

Home / Classes / School Policy

School Policy

The Art League School is non-accredited and open to all.

A full selection of day, evening, and weekend courses is offered in virtually all of the visual arts and in a number of highly skilled crafts. The Art League instructors who teach these courses are practicing, professional artists.

The school also offers youth classes for ages 5 through teen and popular art camps throughout the summer.

No student will be denied admission on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. However, because of the need for group cooperation in classes, The Art League reserves the option of refusing admission to any person deemed incompatible with any learning group due to disruptiveness or any impediment to a safe, productive, and positive learning environment.

Safety precautions and proper use of art materials and chemicals are rigorously practiced. Please use discretion when registering for classes, as The Art League cannot be held responsible for adverse reactions that may arise in some individuals.  If you are pregnant or think you may be, please consult a physician before registering.  

Students are not permitted to photograph, digitally record or film models, teacher demonstrations, or critiques.

The Art League reserves the right to substitute an appropriate instructor when necessary. The Art League is not liable for personal injury or loss of property, including artwork belonging to students enrolled in the school.

Please note that payment is due upon registration.

Transfer Fees and Refunds

Transfers:  Classes, not camps or workshops, are eligible for transfers within a term, early in the term. A transfer fee of $20 will be assessed for each transfer from one class to another, unless the transfer was a result of an administrative decision. All transfers must be made before the third meeting of the class.

Refunds:  No workshop or camp refunds are given unless we are notified ten days prior to the start of the workshop. There is a nonrefundable registration fee of $20 (this fee is included in the tuition). No class refunds are given unless we are notified the Friday prior to the start of the term (see the “School Calendar” section below).  If you are ineligible for a refund, you may obtain an acknowledgment from the school office, which will enable you to claim your unused tuition as a tax-deductible contribution.

School Calendar

School terms are as follows:

  • Fall Term 2024: September 23 – November 24, 2024
    Registration begins Monday, August 5th
  • Winter Term 2025: January 6 – March 9, 2025
    Registration begins Monday, November 11th 
  • Spring Term 2025: March 31 – June 2, 2025
    Registration begins Monday, February 24th
  • Summer Term 2025: June 16 – August 17, 2025
    Registration begins Monday, May 5th
  • Summer Art Camp: June 16 – August 8, 2025

Some classes may start later or earlier than the first week of term, so check your class description for details. Workshops (one day to five days) take place year round. Classes do not meet on the holidays listed in the “Holidays” section below.


Distinguished visiting instructors and Art League instructors offer concentrated week or weekend sessions in a specific medium. Travel workshops to international and domestic locations are also offered year-round. You may register for workshops at any time.

Pandemic and Health Crisis Policy

During this health crisis, we must require additional practices to ensure a safer Art League student environment. We appreciate your community spirit, consideration, and patience with these heightened safety procedures. Students registering for Art League in-person activities will need to take note of and comply with the following:


COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Effective January 3: The Art League maintains a Masks Recommended (not required) policy in our classroom facilities. The Art League continues classroom safety protocols of increased cleaning and active air filtration.
The Art League has lifted its Proof-of-Vaccination requirement for all staff, in-person faculty, and adult students participating in-studio classes.

Covid-19 has significantly impacted public health and created new fear and concerns in our community.

We understand that there are differing opinions over the nature and breadth of Covid and its available treatment, mitigation, and containment strategies.

For All League Visitors

The League’s mask policy: 

The Art League recommends but does not require masks for all visitors, students, faculty, and staff.

○ Suggested masks at The League Gallery and Store include N95 or KN95 masks, surgical masks, or fitted cloth face masks. Due to proximity and time together, students and faculty participating in classes on campus should consider N95 or KN95 masks as the most effective for preventing infections. (Updated 3/18/2022)


Students who attend in-person classes must acknowledge and agree to the following:

I acknowledge and agree that in connection with my commitment to and attendance at this Art League class, and notwithstanding The Art league’s commercially reasonable efforts to implement and require compliance with prevention and mitigation measures, I may be exposed to the coronavirus and may become ill with Covid-19 and face other risks related to Covid-19 transmission and that such exposure, transmission and/or illness may result directly or indirectly in personal injury, damages, expenses, illness, temporary or permanent disability, or even death (COVID Risks). I hereby agree and acknowledge that I am voluntarily accepting and assuming any and all COVID Risks and liabilities related thereto.


Safety precautions and proper use of art materials and chemicals are rigorously practiced. Please use discretion when registering for classes, as The Art League cannot be held responsible for adverse reactions that may arise in some individuals. If you are pregnant, or think you may be, please consult a physician before registering.

Weather & Emergency Closure

In case of inclement weather and other emergencies, temporary class cancellations are posted at the top of our home page. You can also call the school at 703-683-2323, or listen for cancellations on your radio: WMAL, 630 AM; WTOP, 1500 AM or 107.7 FM; Channel 5 Fox Morning News; and Channel 8 Morning News.

The Art League will make good faith efforts to provide make-ups and remote classes for classes canceled due to weather or emergency  conditions.

However, those students registering for in-person courses should be aware that in the event of a longer shutdown, your class may need to be moved to an outline learning format to complete the course.

If you’re unable to participate in online learning, you can be issued a school credit for the remainder of the course.

If the class cannot be made up in-person or online, you have the option of a refund, credit, or tax-deduction for the remainder of the course.


Classes do not meet on Thanksgiving, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. These holidays, or any additional days designated by the instructor, will have make-up dates.

Supplies for Art League Classes

As a non-profit organization, The Art League sells art supplies at a discounted rate as a service to its community. The League Supply Store makes every effort to stock items requested by The Art League teachers and other popular materials for the visual artist. 

The cost of classes does not include supplies unless expressly noted in the class or workshop description. You may obtain supply lists from the instructor at the first class. Or, as a special service to Art League students, most teachers have copies of their supply lists on file in The Art League Store. We recommend that you shop early to avoid the rush. Most classes begin work on the first day. Bring any supplies you have to your first class. 

Due to limited staff, and large enrollment, we cannot mail, email, fax, or read supply lists over the phone. 

Our Mission

By nurturing the artist, we enrich the community. The Art League develops the artist through education, exhibition, and a stimulating, supportive environment, while sharing the experience of the visual arts with the community.