! For Sunday 1/19: Due to winter weather, all classes and programs are canceled. The Gallery, Store, and League offices and buildings are closed. Please stay safe !

Home / Gallery / Membership

Become an Exhibiting Artist

Exhibiting Artist membership to The Art League gallery provides artists with the continual opportunity to have their work judged by esteemed local arts professionals, and to compete to exhibit their work in one of Washington’s largest art galleries. Other benefits include Solo Artist exhibitionsGallery 75, and critiques and seminars.

Exhibiting Artist Membership Options

Membership subscriptions renew automatically. You can change or cancel a membership in My Account.

Why be an Exhibiting Artist?

Monthly Juried Exhibits

Exhibiting artists of The Art League gallery may submit work at their own risk according to the following guidelines:

  • Up to three pieces of work may be submitted to the gallery by digital entry only. Visit https://theartleague.submittable.com/submit to create a Submittable account and enter our monthly exhibits! Entry fees are $5 per piece entered, unless you joined using the all-inclusive program ($156 or $13/month).
    See upcoming exhibit dates →

  • There is no size limitation, unless otherwise stated (e.g. the Small Works exhibit). Work must weigh less than 50 lbs.
  • No copies of paintings or copies of published photographs are acceptable. All work must be original to the artist.
  • All prints must be original and hand pulled by the artist. No commercially reproduced prints are acceptable for exhibition in The Art League. Please see Suitable Media for further guidance.
  • All works must be for sale and priced within the artist’s usual price range. If an artist prefers not to sell a piece of work, it should not be entered. Artists should not enter work at a price higher than that of their other work; they should use the “time and materials” formula if unsure of pricing. Prices may not be changed after a piece is entered. If sold, commission payments are processed the month after the date of sale. 
  • Work selected for gallery exhibits hangs for the duration of the show or until sold. No work may be removed until close of show for any reason other than a sale. Artists may pick up work from monthly exhibits during receiving for the following month’s exhibit. There is absolutely no early pick-up.

  • The Gallery Director will be the sole and final judge of the work’s acceptability for jurying.

  • After jurying is completed, artists will be notified via email through their Submittable account. 

  • Because storage space is so limited, we ask that work be picked up within one week of an exhibit’s closing. Work left longer than six months will become the property of The Art League and may be donated to the Patrons’ Show. A late fee of $20 per week will be assessed beginning one week after the Monday of show week.

  • A work accepted for a show and listed in the program may not be re-entered to any other Art League juried shows. A rejected work, however, may be re-submitted to future shows.
Juror Selection

A qualified arts professional is invited to judge and to make award selections. The juror functions as an independent judge and is not associated with The Art League as an exhibiting member, student, or staff. Each exhibit may be expected to reflect the opinions of its judge. Selection of a different judge each month assures variety in successive exhibits and a broader opportunity to member artists. No judge is invited back for at least two years to allow for a broad base of opinion.

Other Exhibition Opportunities

Solo or group exhibits: Each Fall, Exhibiting Artists can apply for a solo exhibit. The next deadline will be in Fall 2023 for exhibits in 2025.
Details about solo shows and how to apply →


Gallery 75: Gallery 75 provides an opportunity for Exhibiting Artists to continuously exhibit in one of the most visited galleries in the region, to build a client base and to sell your work. Artists who are juried into three shows in one exhibiting year (July 1 to June 30) are eligible to display framed, unframed, and three-dimensional work in this space, as well as in an online gallery.
Details about Gallery 75 membership →

General Membership FAQ

What services, benefits come with membership?

All Active Members (Exhibiting Artist*, Donor**, and Student) will receive/are eligible for:

  • Invitations to special events such as lectures, critiques, demonstrations, and networking
  • E-newsletters: Tidings, BrushUp, and Quarterly Member Updates
  • Invitation to Annual Member Gathering
  • Voting in board elections
  • Eligible for board service
  • Membership card

*Exhibiting Artist services (i.e., entering the monthly juried exhibits) remain exclusive to this group.

**Benefits that were exclusive to donors at certain levels remain limited to donors. 

How do I become a member of The Art League?

There are three ways to become a member of The Art League:

  1. You have paid the exhibiting artist dues in the gallery (Active Exhibiting Artist Member)
  2. You have donated to our annual fund at the minimum level ($125) or above (Active Donor Member)
  3. You have enrolled as a student in at least one course in the last five academic terms AND have taken 12 or more courses in the past four years at the school (Active Student Member)

If you meet any of the above criteria, congratulations! You are an Art League member!

If I qualify as an Active Donor or Active Student Member, does that automatically make me an Active Exhibiting Artist Member?

No. Even if you qualify as an Active Donor or Active Student Member, you must pay the exhibiting artist dues if you wish to submit your artwork to juried exhibits in the gallery.

Why is The Art League expanding the definition of membership? What is changing?

We want to recognize those who make a significant commitment and impact to The Art League community by including those individuals as members. Art League membership is now a benefit that comes with engaging with the organization at one, or all, of the three ways listed above – that is what’s changing.

How long is my membership valid?

Membership at The Art League expires at the end of our fiscal year (July 1–June 30) if eligibility requirements are not continually met. Individuals may become members at any point in the fiscal year, for the balance of that fiscal year, by meeting any of the three above requirements.

Where can I check my member status?

Your generous support of The Art League enables us to meet our mission through a breadth of visual arts programming during another exciting Fiscal Year.