Call For Artists

2010 EXHIBITIONS at the FISHER GALLERY Location: Rachael M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center DEADLINE: DECEMBER 11th Artists please submit a complete entry form, resume and a MAXIMUM of 12 slides (CD or DVD also accepted) that represents your work and a brief description of work to be considered. Please include SASE for return […]

Ongoing Exhibition Opportunities

Arlington Public Library has juried display space available for exhibits of original fine arts and crafts. Applications are reviewed quarterly. DEADLINES: February 1May 1August 1October 1 Open to all artists! Artist must agree to donate 20% of the selling price of work sold during the show to the Friends of Arlington Public Library. For more […]

Regional Showcase

The Middle Street Galleryis searching for local artistsliving in VA, MD, WVA, and DC! Work must have been completed in the last 3 years. All types of work is accepted. Must be hand delivered.$500 in cash prizes! Show: March 5-28, 2010 Juror: Jane Livingston, nationally renowned curator and author DEADLINE: December 1, 2009 Send for […]

Polaroid is back!

The Impossible Project revives instant film!!!!!! The Impossible Project has undergone the task of saving instant film from extinction since June 2008 when Polariod ceased its production! They have joined with Urban Outfitters, the International Center for Photography, and Ilford on created special edition cameras and film. The new instant film will be different from […]

Night Visions

Fotoweek DC is asking everyone to come out to their spontaneous Saturday night photography event called “NIGHT VISIONS” Anyone with a camera and adventurous spirit in welcome to join other photographers in an ALL-NIGHT Celebration on November 7th! Fotoweek DC wants to create a live portrait of DC after dark, with the best images from […]