Sugarloaf Crafts Festival, one of the nation’s most popular and most recognized juried shows of contemporary crafts and fine art, is now accepting applications from artists in all media for its fall 2011 shows.
The fall 2011 season of Sugarloaf Craft Festivals includes:
Timonium, MD (outside Baltimore), September 30 – October 2, 2011
Gaithersburg, MD (outside Washington, DC), October 14 – 16, 2011
Somerset, NJ, October 28 – 30, 2011
Oaks, PA (outside Philadelphia), November 4 – 6, 2011
Hartford, CT, November 11 – 13, 2011
Gaithersburg, MD (outside Washington, DC), November 18 – 20, 2011
Chantilly, VA (northern Virginia), December 9 – 11, 2011
Artists may apply for the fall 2011 season in all categories including ceramics and pottery, fiber and fashion, fine art, furniture, blown and leaded glass, jewelry, leather, metalsmithing, photography and functional and decorative wood crafts.
Sugarloaf enters its 36th year among the most respected shows in the country. In 2010, nine of Sugarloaf’s 13 shows were ranked in the Top 200 nationally by Sunshine Artist magazine. This past fall, attendance at the seven Sugarloaf shows increased by12%, and artists’ sales increased over 8%, totaling $9.7 million. Artists whose work is exhibited at Sugarloaf shows are jury-selected and are represented in the nation’s finest galleries, private collections, and museums.
Artists interested in exhibiting at Sugarloaf Craft Festivals can download applications from Applications must include slides representing artists’ work and their display space. Artists who wish to apply online can complete their application and submit digital images via, using the search term “Sugarloaf.” Potential exhibitors may also request printed applications and additional information by calling (800) 210-9900.Information about Sugarloaf Crafts Festival is available at