! For Sunday 1/19: Due to winter weather, all classes and programs are canceled. The Gallery, Store, and League offices and buildings are closed. Please stay safe !

Exhibition and Residency Opportunities Nationwide

Exhibition and Residency Opportunities Nationwide

Courtesy of FindArtInfoBank.com:

Reality – MA
Deadline: November 15, 2011. Caladan Gallery presents a juried exhibition entitled Reality. The bottom has dropped out of our conceived definition. If we see it, does it really exist? Caladan Gallery is asking you, voices of observation and opinion for a visual “heads up.” What is reality? All media except video are eligible. Please go to: www.caladangallery.com to download prospectus (click on “enter your artwork”) OR write to: Caladan Gallery, Box 391939, Cambridge MA 02139 or call: 617.838.8929 for more information.

9 x 12 Works on Paper Show – TX
Deadline: November 15, 2011. The Fort Worth Community Arts Center announces an open call for entries; 2011 9 x 12 Works on Paper Show, December 10-29, 2011. Artworks on or of paper may be any size, but must fit in a 9 x 12 envelope; folded, 3D or multi-part OK. Unmatted, unframed photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media, cast or folded paper or digital prints OK (other materials attached OK). Original artworks only; no reproductions. Put artist’s name, address, title and date of work and medium on back. No entry form. Open to all artists–no age or geographical restrictions. All artwork shown–no jury. Entry fee is $5US/piece; 5 entries max. All artwork for sale for $100 US; artist gets 80%. Unsold works with SASE will be mailed; no metering. Send entries, entry fee by check or M.O. to 9 x 12, FWCAC, 1300 Gendy, Ft Worth, TX 76107. More information available at [email protected] or www.fwcac.org; prospectus at www.fwcac.com/images/9x12prospectus2011.pdf

Altered States: Photography Based Images – PA
Deadline: November 23, 2011. The Pocono Arts Council announces a call to photographers for a national juried photography exhibition, January 14 – February 27, 2012 at ARTSPACE Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA. $800 in awards. Juror: Harris Fogel, Assoc. Professor of Photography, University of the Arts, Philadelphia. Open call for entries of photo-based works which have been altered by the artist at any point during the photographic process. All content and photographic media are acceptable-alternative processes, traditional black and white, and/or digital methods. Additional artistic mediums, such as paint or found objects, are encouraged as long as the piece is photographic based. Student: $15 first two entries/$10 each add.; Adults: $20 first two entries/$15 each add. Visit website for prospectus at: http://www.poconoarts.org, or send a SASE to: PoconoArts, 18 N. Seventh St., Stroudsburg PA 18360. Questions? Please contact Laura Goss at [email protected] or call 570-476-4460.

Creature Comforts – VA
Deadline: March 2, 2012. Creature Comforts is an instillation and sculpture exhibition that explores the idea of the things that make us comfortable and at ease in everyday life. In modern day society many luxury items are considered a necessity and are difficult to live without. This exhibition will explore the artist’s view on modern creature comforts, and society’s dependence on the luxuries in life, and their residual effects. The jurors for this exhibition are Mary Cook and Allison Nance of microWave project llc. Founded in 2010, microWave project acts a conduit between artists and groups/businesses to provide space for temporary, pop-up, “micro” galleries. Their mission is to help promote these artists and educate the community by exploring alternative venues for emerging & established artists with an emphasis on site-specific installation art. By developing programming to correspond with the exhibitions, they provide accessible art experiences to the public and encouraging community dialogue. Workhouse Arts Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton, VA 22079. workhousearts.org

Many more listings after the jump:

Studio Montclair’s “ViewPoints 2012” Annual Exhibition – NJ
Deadline: November 18, 2011. Studio Montclair announces a call to all artists working in all mediums including videos and installations. The exhibit will be held March 26 – April 20, 2012 at Ben Shahn Galleries, William Paterson University in Montclair, NJ. Cash awards. Juror: Alexandra Schwartz, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Montclair Art Museum. $40 for 3 images. Download prospectus (PDF format) at: http://studiomontclair.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/ProspectusAnnual2012final1.pdf or send a SASE to: Studio Montclair, 108 Orange Road, Montclair, NJ 07042. Questions? Contact Phoebe Pollinger at [email protected] or call 973-783-4067. http://studiomontclair.org

31 Women in Art Photography: Humble Arts Foundation – NY
Deadline: November 23, 2011, 11:59 PM, PST. On July 19, 2012, Humble Arts Foundation, in conjunction with Hasted Kraeutler, will present its third edition of 31 Women in Art Photography at Hasted Kraeutler in Chelsea, NY. We are proud to announce that along with Humble’s curatorial director, Jon Feinstein, Natalia Sacasa, senior director of Luhring Augustine, will co-curate the 2012 edition. Eligibility: Female photographers over the age of 18 are eligible regardless of geographic location, participation in previous exhibitions and/or gallery representation. For submission guidelines: http://hafny.org/women-in-photography/open-call-31-women-in-art-photography-2012/ Notification: Friday, December 16, 2011. Note: All participating artists are responsible for the printing, framing, mounting and shipping of their work to and from Hasted Kraeutler as well as insuring it while it is in transit. Hasted Kraeutler will insure the works while they are on display in the gallery. Please send all inquiries to: [email protected]. Website: http://www.hafny.org

The Figure Now/Exhibition 2012: Fontbonne University Fine Arts Gallery – MO
Deadline: December 15, 11. A National juried painting exhibition focused on the contemporary expression of the human form. Juror: Kent Williams
www.kentwilliams.com. Website: http://bitly.com/thefigurenow

ACOPAL’s Exhibition of Contemporary American and Chinese Realism – OH
Deadline: November 21, 2011. Don’t miss this opportunity to exhibit at the Butler Institute of American Art, December 18, 2011 – February 26, 2012, and the World Art Museum in Beijing, China in September 2012 with some of the World’s foremost realist artists. The competition is open to artists residing in the United States. All work must be in oil paint as the predominant medium. 3 Grand Prize Winners will be selected to exhibit with ACOPAL’s Honorary Members at the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio and have the opportunity to exhibit at the World Art Museum in Beijing, China. Grand Prize Winners will also receive membership into ACOPAL, inclusion in the full color catalog and be featured on the website. Jurors: Peter Trippi, Paul McCormack. Entry fee: $25 per image. Visit website for prospectus at: http://acopal.org/index.php?option=com_jforms&view=form&id=1&Itemid=50. Questions? Contact Katie O’Hagan at [email protected]

Manchester District Courthouse – VA
All applications are due by Friday, November 11 by 5 p.m. The City of Richmond Public Art Commission is seeking qualified artists to create commissioned outdoor artwork for the Manchester District and Community. The selected site is located on the grounds of the newly renovated and expanded Manchester Courthouse along Richmond’s bustling Hull Street. The total purchase budget for this project is $120,000. More than one piece of art may be selected. More details on web site. Website: http://richmondvacommunitydevelopme.blogspot.com/2011/10/call-for-artists-for-manchester.html

3rd annual Signature American Watercolor Exhibition & Sale – CA
Deadline: November 18, 2011. The Fallbrook Art Center in Fallbrook, CA announces a call to artists for a juried exhibition, February 5 – March 18, 2012. $4,500 in cash & merchandise awards. Juror: Ted Nuttall, AWS, NWS. Open to all artists who have achieved official signature status in one or more of the established watercolor/watermedia societies in the U.S. All submissions must be digital (jpeg preferred). All works must be for sale. The 2012 show is presented in conjunction with BOTH the American & National Watercolor Societies’ travel exhibitions – we are the only venue in the country to present both travel shows at the same time. Juror will select 25 pieces for the exhibition. $35 for 1 work, $45 for 2 works. Download prospectus (PDF format) at: http://fallbrookartcenter.org/download/SAWE%202012%20Prospectus.pdf, or send a SASE to: Fallbrook Art Center, 103 S. Main Ave., Fallbrook CA 92028. Questions? Please contact Mary Perhacs, Executive Director at [email protected] or call 760-728-1414. http://www.fallbrookartcenter.org

The Human Form – VT
Deadline: December 28, 2011. Darkroom Gallery in Essex Jct., Vermont seeks entries for an international photography exhibition, 1/24 – 2/17/12. Photographers maintain rights to their work and set their own prices. Free framing/matting, Juror’s Choice, Peoples Choice. Juror: Elizabeth Opalenik. The Human Form, simple yet subtly complex, always present yet hidden, expose your vision. Our bodies: forbidden, subverted, suppressed, elevated, venerated, and sanctified. The human form is unceasingly beautiful, complex, and remarkable. It is one of the very few things that all of us has in common, and yet is a source of perpetual cultural, spiritual, and scientific dissension. $20 entry fee. Visit website for details at: http://www.darkroomgallery.com/ex24, or send SASE to: Darkroom Gallery, 12 Main St. Essex Jct., VT 05452. Questions? Contact Ken Signorello at [email protected] or call 802-777-FOTO. www.darkroomgallery.com  

2012 Juried Fellowship Call for Entry: Houston Center for Photography – TX
Deadline: November 11, 11. Two fellowship recipients will be awarded $2,500 each and a solo exhibition at HCP in the summer of 2012. One Houston-based artist (residing within a 100 mile radius of Houston including the Beaumont, Galveston, and College Station areas) will receive the Carol Crow Memorial Fellowship and another artist from anywhere in the world, outside the Houston area, will receive the HCP Fellowship. Christopher Rauchenberg of Blue Sky Gallery (Portland, OR) will jury the fellowship selection. Website: http://hcponline.org/pages/2012_juried_fellowship_call_for_entries_123.asp

Blue Sky Project of Dayton, Ohio Seeks Artist’s Proposals for 2012 Summer Residency – OH
Deadline: January 16, 2012. Blue Sky Project is a summer experience that empowers professional artists and Dayton-area teens to collaborate and build community through the creation of ambitious and meaningful works of contemporary art and performance. As one of five Blue Sky Project Artists-In-Residence, you will cross-pollinate with other practicing artists, collaborate with teens, expand your ideas and add artistic breadth and depth to the Dayton community. Relocated in 2009 to Ohio from our original location in Illinois, artists gather for eight weeks from mid-June to mid August at the University of Dayton, located 2 miles from downtown Dayton. Monday – Thursday, from 10-3:30 are devoted to intensive collaborations between each individual artist and a small group of six to eight local teen participants, culminating in a final exhibition. Artists-in-Residence invent the remaining structure, working together or individually on projects. Our hope is that the projects will seep out, intervene, enhance and impact the community. Because of the collaborative nature of Blue Sky Project, your project must have an open-ended structure. Your project must be achievable in eight weeks, within a $1,000 budget (excluding final exhibition expenses) and must engage others in its articulation and production. The rest is up to you. To learn more about Blue Sky Project, see previous work and backgrounds of past resident artists, and to download our Call for Proposals, please visit http://www.blueskydayton.org/

Call for Artist Residents – MA
Deadline: November 13, 2011. Gallery 263 (http://gallery263.com/index.php) in Cambridge, MA is currently accepting applications for its Winter Residency. Each session is twelve weeks in length. The space will be shared by three to five artists, all mediums welcome to apply (painters, writers, musicians, etc.). Artists are selected on the basis of their work quality, originality, and their personal commitment to community interaction and collaboration. Traditionally the end of each Residency concludes with a two week group exhibition. The Artist-in-Residency Program offers affordable shared studio space for local artists and emphasizes not only the final product of art, but the creative process. Artists have full access to a versatile work space with high ceilings, natural light and track lighting. The enhanced attention of a street level studio is especially beneficial to emerging artists looking to promote their work and increase their audience. Visit website to learn more. Questions? Please contact Laura at [email protected]. http://gallery263.com/index.php http://www.gallery263.com/residency.php

7 month Fellowship for Visual Artists and Writers: FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown – MA
Deadline: December 1, 11. The FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown offers a unique residency program for emerging artists and writers. Located in a rustic fishing village with a storied history as an arts colony, the Work Center provides seven-month Fellowships to twenty Fellows each year in the form of living/work space and a modest monthly stipend of $750. Residencies run from October 1 through April 30. Fellows pursue their work independently in a diverse and supportive community of peers. Additional facilities include a basic woodshop, a print shop with etching and lithography press and a computer lab featuring a video editing suite and large format digital printer. Writing Fellows are housed in two- to three-room apartments. Some working studios and living spaces are handicap accessible. -Applications for the 2012-2013 Writing Fellowship must be submitted in hard copy with a postmark on or before December 1, 2011. We do not accept electronic submissions for the Writing Fellowship. The Writing Fellowship application fee is $45. Applications can be downloaded at: http://fawc.org/fellowships/fel_app_guidelines_write.php. -Applications for the 2012-2013 Visual Arts Fellowship must be submitted electronically on or before February 1, 2012 using SlideRoom. The Visual Arts Fellowship application fee is $57.
To submit an electronic application visit: https://fawc.slideroom.com/ The Fine Arts Work Center is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Website: http://fawc.org/fellowships

Artist Retreats or Writer Residencies: Chicago Art Retreats – IL
Deadline: December 1, 2011. Writers or artists of all disciplines are welcome to apply for a partial Fellowship to cover costs for the upcoming 2012 Winter Art Retreats and Residencies in Chicago. Each day will offer time to write, research and an opportunity to communicate your experiences and challenges of being a creative individual with others. All are encouraged to apply for a fellowship. Deadline is December 1, 2011 for the 2012 season. Writing samples or portfolios are required for fellowship review. Website: http://chicagoartretreats.org

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Every week we gather a variety of artist opportunities from the DC area and beyond. Find one below and apply today — good luck! Click…
Welcome to The Artful Five -our weekly picks for getting your art fix!     Explore the vibrant and diverse art scene of Washington,…
Every week we gather a variety of artist opportunities from the DC area and beyond. Find one below and apply today — good luck! Click…
Every week we gather a variety of artist opportunities from the DC area and beyond. Find one below and apply today — good luck! Click…

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