Excitement was in the air last night, along with cheers, groans, and occasional boos: all signs for anyone in the vicinity of Old Town that it was Patrons’ Show Fundraiser night.
And thanks once again to our amazingly generous artist donors, a huge team of dedicated volunteers, and the support of all of our patrons and sponsors, this year’s fundraiser was another hit! The money raised from this year’s fundraiser supports The Art League’s mission of supporting the artist and enriching the community through outreach programs like IMPART, SOHO, and the Geri Gordon Scholarship Fund.
After days of making lists and checking them twice, 683 pieces of donated artwork (including some pairs, diptychs, and triptychs) went home with this year’s ticketholders, including these five award-winning pieces:
Thank you again to all the people who made this year’s fundraiser successful! You can sign up for our email list here, if you haven’t already, to get news about next year’s ticket sales. More photos are below: