Sharpen your pencils and grab your newsprint pads! Our Drawing Marathon Fundraiser is the forth and final event in The Art League’s “30-Something” Summer Series of events. From 10:00am-10:00pm on Saturday, September 8, artists may come to The Art League’s Duke Street Annex and draw for as little or as long as they like with a $30 donation (click here to register; drop-ins welcome). Creative participants will have variety of models and still life setups from which to sketch. Artists must bring their own drawing supplies (painters also welcome!), easels will be provided.
Members of our esteemed faculty will join in the draw-a-thon, and they will provide artistic inspiration and technique tips throughout the day. Instructor Rob Liberace will join the group via Skype for a virtual demonstration late in the afternoon.
The details:
Location: The Art League’s Duke Street Annex, One Duke Street, just off the corner of Duke and South Union Streets, Alexandria, VA 22314
Date: Saturday, September 8, 2012, 10:00am-10:00pm
Admission: $30 donation to participate in up to 12 hours of drawing; click here to register; drop-ins welcome. All proceeds go to fund the build-out at the Madison Annex.
Participating instructors:
Scott Hutchinson
Lisa Semerad
Kurt Schwarz
Early Afternoon
Ted Reed
George Tkabladze
David Carter
Jin Chung
Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Rob Liberace
Joe Spollen
Jim Burford
Tatyana Leykin
Need more info? Email: [email protected], or call: 703-683-2323.
See you there!