By Haven Ashley
A dramatic coalescence of sea and sky, Yongsuk Adams’ photograph Become One was captured on the scenic Snæfellsnes peninsula in Iceland. With diverse geological features from volcanic craters, to misty waterfalls, to craggy basalt cliffs, the region’s beauty pierces the heart like a Nordic fairytale, enchanting and devastating in equal spells.
Here, Adams shares her thoughts about the prize-winning photo and her journey from hobbyist to artist.
Finding Photography
“I have been a photographer for about five years. As my kids went off to college, I suddenly had time to explore more of my own interests. I had been curious about photography for years but never had time to actively pursue it. I joined a local photography club and began learning the many skills and techniques of the medium. At first, I felt like I might be ‘too old’ to go back to school or start something new, something that I was completely unfamiliar with. I was wrong!”
The Message in the Medium
“I try to focus on subjects that are based in nature. I want to create photos that are healing, calming, and relaxing. Become One is not edited at all. I feel so lucky to have experienced the natural beauty of Iceland.”
Hope in the Time of Pandemic
“This has been a terrible year around the world with the pandemic, violence, and resulting protests. I thought this seamless landscape, with the merging of the sky and water, showed the possibility of us coming together and becoming one.”