September 20, 2018 Noah Williams: A Love of Detail and No Fear of Failure Artist Interviews Noah Williams’ Best in Show piece, Illusions, is a huge African-style mask featuring found mixed media.
September 11, 2018 The Study of Self-Portraits with Tania Karpowitz Artist Interviews The Art League asked Tania Karpowitz a few questions about her Self-Portrait workshop and entering the October Self-Portrait exhibit.
August 22, 2018 Tess Olson gets “Groovy” in the Gallery Artist Interviews Best in Show winner, Tess Olson, walks us through her process, returning to her roots, and using shapes and textures to create her abstract piece Groovy.
August 2, 2018 Snapshots of the World with Photographer Kathryn Mohrman Artist Interviews While Kathryn Mohrman's subjects are often seen as 'exotic' by viewers, she's trying to convey our common goals and humanity.