What’s going on next week at The Art League? The return of our popular August exhibits, and the debut of a special exhibit at the Athenaeum!
Note: An earlier version of this blog post jumped the gun and gave the incorrect date for the August reception. As always, the opening reception will be on Second Thursday, August 14. The Gallery is still open late every Thursday, until 9:00 pm. Sorry for any confusion.
Thursday is the first day to see the new exhibit at the Athenaeum in Old Town, “Influence & Inspiration: The Art League Faculty Celebrates 60 Years.” This retrospective exhibit combines artwork from emeritus faculty like Lou Stovall and Sam Gilliam, along with the work of current faculty, including Ted Reed and Danni Dawson.
We’ve also interviewed students and teachers for a video sharing experiences from the School. Find details about the exhibit, and the Athenaeum’s hours, here. The reception will be September 7.
Artists, do you have your (land/sea/sky/city)scapes ready? Receiving for the annual exhibit is Monday and Tuesday.
Find the exhibit prospectus here.
Summer Art Camp continues unabated! There are three weeks left for kids to learn to make things like these. Next week’s camps:
- Cartooning Camp (ages 8–11)
- Jewelry Camp (ages 9–12)
- Fiber Camp (ages 7–11)
- And, as always, Basic Art Camp.
P.S. There’s only a little more than a week until you can register for Fall classes! Search the new catalog here.