Welcome to Artful Weekend
-our listing of area art exhibits and events-
This weekend: April 2024 Open Exhibit and And Sew It Goes by Susan Lapham at the League; NEXTGEN 11.0 at VisArts; There and Back by Muareen Minehan at Multiple Exposures Gallery; and Shakespeare’s Garden at Target Gallery.
April 2024 Open Exhibit
Diverse artworks by member artists are the feature of Open Exhibits at The Art League. This month, 99 artworks—painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, fiber art, ceramics, and mixed media—are on view. The April 2024 Open Exhibit was juried by Margaret Winslow, Head Curator and Curator of Contemporary Art at the Delaware Art Museum, and is on view in The Art League Gallery through May 5.
And Sew It Goes by Susan Lapham
In her solo exhibit, And Sew it Goes, Susan J. Lapham displays a collection of large-scale sewn collages, playfully constructed from dozens of small bits of fabric. Inspired by eclectic architecture, complex machinery, and outlandish arrangements, her work pushes the limits of balance, proportion, and symmetry to evoke delight, humor and joy within its viewers. And Sew It Goes is on veiw in The Art League Gallery through May 5.
VisArts presents NextGen 11.0, a juried group exhibition that showcases next generation aspiring artists, ages 17 to 27, from the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC area. The annual exhibition offers young artists who have little to no exhibition record the opportunity to bring their work to a wider audience. This year’s exhibit features eight artists whose works include painting, photography, sculpture, and installation art. It is on view through May 12 in VisArts Gibbs Gallery; 155 Gibbs Street
Rockville, Maryland.
There and Back by Muareen Minehan
Multiple Exposures Gallery is pleased to present THERE AND BACK, a solo exhibition of photographic art by Maureen Minehan. THERE AND BACK reflects Maureen’s ceaseless desire to explore the beauty inherent in solitude. Through her artistic vision, she portrays isolated landscapes not as desolate or forsaken, but as sanctuaries where quietude reigns supreme, and narratives yet untold await discovery. It is on view through May 19. Multiple Exposures Gallery is in the Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 North Union Street, Alexandria, Virginia.
Shakespeare’s Garden
Meander through Shakespeare’s Gardento experience his works through immersive imagery and soundscapes. Explore the garden’s multiple layers of rich sound through ambient garden soundscapes, and step into the texts of Shakespeare to hear recordings of his sonnets, soliloquies, and scenes reimagined and performed by Virginia Tech students. Shakespeare’s Garden is presented by Virginia Tech’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) and the City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts. Learn how it was created here.
Enjoy the weekend!