August 15, 2018 Art Workshop + Party = The Monotype Party Art Classes Here’s an idea for a party: get together over two days (September 1 and 2) with your friends, some food and drinks, and a printing press.
September 7, 2017 It’s a Party, It’s an Art Workshop, It’s Both Art Classes Here's an idea for a party: get together over two days with your friends, some food and drinks, and a printing press.
May 25, 2016 Q&A with Alexandria Living Legend Betsy Anderson Artist Interviews "Quite often the colors are not what I saw but my feelings about the place."
May 21, 2015 What is a Monotype? Art Classes, Artful Resources You'll find this term everywhere in our catalog of classes, but do you know what it is?
May 13, 2015 Discovering Printmaking at our Madison Annex Art Classes The Art League has a shiny new printing press at our Madison Annex, and it's getting put to good use in this year's new class, Print Like the Masters.