The Art League gallery will, under no circumstances, accept copies of other artists’ work. We also do not accept commercial reproductions or giclee prints of member artists’ original work.
Artwork produced by reproductive technology (commercial lithography, photography, xerography, computer-scanned laser or inkjet printing, etc.) is acceptable only when it is a) an original creation produced by means of technology having been used as a medium ONLY b) if based on a copy of one’s own work, which has been subsequently altered, the aesthetic impact (of the resulting work) must be substantially altered from the original.
Works entered in monthly shows will be required to describe mediums employed. The Gallery Director and staff may evaluate works seen and questioned at submission. These guidelines are on file at The Art League.
Exhibiting Artist membership to The Art League gallery provides artists with the continual opportunity to have their work judged by esteemed local arts professionals, and to compete to exhibit their work in one of Washington’s largest art galleries.