March 22-September 17, 2010
Opening Reception: Tuesday, May 25, 5:30-7:30 pm
Opening Reception: Tuesday, May 25, 5:30-7:30 pm
It was my honor to be asked and my pleasure to serve as the juror of the 2010 Art in City Hall exhibition. I am very pleased to see that the Mayor and City Council recognize the importance of all the arts in Alexandria and, even in these tough economic times continue to support an important aspect of what makes the city a vibrant community.
I would like to thank each and every artist who submitted their work to the show and were willing to allow me to sit in judgment of what they have poured their heart and soul into. Submitting art work to a juried show means taking risk, a risk that may lead to a feeling of validation, or the disappointment of rejection. Artists should never take the outcome of a judging process as something personal. The juror doesn’t know you, can’t know your intention, but can only deal with a brief interaction between human & art.
Mixed media group shows are especially difficult to judge. Many jurors have a tough time comparing the merits of each media, especially if they are unfamiliar with a process. I find it a bit easier, being an educator and having explored and/or taught nearly all 2D and 3D mediums. I make a conscious effort not to compare one media to another, but accept each for what it offers.
What do jurors look for when they decide what will be included in a show, and what will be rejected? I believe much has to do with the initial reaction. Is there something, a color, a shape, a texture that captures the eye immediately and begs for additional viewing time? Is there a compelling image that draws one into the composition? Has the artist truly shown me another way to look at the world around us? These shout out to me and ask that I pause a moment longer, take a closer look, and then the art and I begin a visual dialogue.
Alexandria Commission for the Arts Award: Marsha Staiger (image shown above)
Del Ray Artisans Award: Nancy Monacelli
The Art League Award: Lynn Mehta
Torpedo Factory Artists Association Award: John Burgess
Honorable Mention: Susan Ellis, Susan Finsen, A Groedblred-Kroesen, Arlie Hammons, Robert Keating, Genevieve Lynn, Charlene Nield.
Alexandria Commission for the Arts Award: Marsha Staiger (image shown above)
Del Ray Artisans Award: Nancy Monacelli
The Art League Award: Lynn Mehta
Torpedo Factory Artists Association Award: John Burgess
Honorable Mention: Susan Ellis, Susan Finsen, A Groedblred-Kroesen, Arlie Hammons, Robert Keating, Genevieve Lynn, Charlene Nield.