Enjoy art or working with kids? The Art League needs interns for Summer Art Camp! The weekly art camps, running June 18–August 24, feature a different syllabus each week and a new art project each day for children ages 5 and up.
Interns will assist instructors, help set up and coordinate classes, and evaluate the effectiveness of classes offered. Interns are trained and directly supervised by the camp coordinator.
College credit is available for summer-long internships. Only six spaces are open, so interested candidates should send their resume and letter of interest, including any experience with teaching or children, to Ali Wunder: aliw (at) theartleague.org, or call the school office, 703-683-2323, with any questions.
The Art League — a multifaceted, non-profit visual arts organization — operates a gallery, school, and store and is stationed in the historic Torpedo Factory Art Center in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. More information about Art Camp is here.