See below for details on upcoming exhibits and other calls for artists. You can click the banner above to view past opportunities posts. This week’s banner image: detail from Counting by Art League instructor Beverly Ryan.
Good luck!
Ceramic Cup Show
Deadline: Monday, October 28. “Drink This!”, the Workhouse International Ceramic Cup Show, will showcase ceramic drinking vessels by contemporary artists around the globe. The focus of the exhibit is on the variety of ways artists explore the cup, in functional, sculptural, traditional and non-traditional forms. Enter the show here →
Art in City Hall
Deadline: Thursday, October 31. The Art League and the City of Alexandria, in conjunction with the Mayor’s initiative to promote the arts citywide in Alexandria, continue to support Art In City Hall. This juried exhibit enhances the environment of Alexandria’s City Hall and promotes the talents of local artists. The exhibit will be juried by an outside, independent expert in the arts, and will hang for eight months on the second floor of the Alexandria City Hall. Members of The Art League, Del Ray Artisans, the Torpedo Factory Artists’ Association, Empowered Women International, and Convergence Art Center are invited to participate. This fall, the exhibit theme is “Intersections of Art and History.” More about the exhibit here →
Photo projection
Deadline: Thursday, October 31. Empty Stretch Collective and Furthermore at 52 O St Studios will be holding a one night photo projection event November 7. All subject matter, styles, and formats of photography are welcomed. Send up to two high-resolution images to [email protected], along with a bit of information about yourself. More about this event →
Virginia artist fellowships
Deadline: November 8. There’s still time left to apply for the 2014–15 Visual Arts Fellowships from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. More about the fellowship →