Next week here at The Art League: learn about Gallery membership, exchange art materials, and don’t forget to enter Art in City Hall!
Have you registered yet for the Portrait & Figure Festival? Registration is ongoing for this special weekend of workshops, lectures, and critiques with 19 different instructors from The Art League and visiting from the Art Students League of New York. Click here for instructor bios, the schedule, and FAQs.
If you’re a new artist member in the Gallery, or you’re thinking of joining, Thursday is your best chance to get acquainted with how monthly shows, sales, and other Gallery operations work. It’s the last new member orientation this year, so RSVP here!
Friday is the deadline to enter Art in City Hall! This juried exhibit at Alexandria City Hall can count as one piece toward your Bin Gallery eligibility. To enter online, click here.
Next Saturday is the second Art Materials Market at the Torpedo Factory, a place for artists to sell unwanted art supplies and buy from others. The Art League will be there as well, with books, art supplies, a slightly used popcorn machine, and prints by Nancy Reinke. Click here for details and to sign up as a vendor.