Every Tuesday, we gather a variety of artist opportunities around the DC area and beyond. Find one below and enter today — good luck! Click here for recent opportunities posts, and submit your opportunity listing here.
Bethesda gallery rental
Deadline: July 29. The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District and Bethesda Urban Partnership manage Gallery B in downtown Bethesda. This gallery is available to interested artists and arts organizations for one-month rentals. Gallery B does not take a commission on artwork sold.
Blue Man Group
Deadline: August 8. Blue Man Group, the critically hailed theatrical phenomenon, will celebrate 25 years of living in full color with the launch of a unique art competition in Chicago open to professional and emerging artists. The competition will award six $2,500 cash prizes to the winning artists.
Exhibit proposals
Deadline: August 31. The Arts Club of Washington (DC) continues its support for the visual arts with the Call for Entries for the 2017–2018 gallery season. Exhibitions are scheduled monthly from September 2017 through May 2018.
Public sculpture
Deadline: September 23. The Riverdale Park (MD) Public Art Initiative is announcing a Call for Artists. The initiative seeks five sculptures of various styles and sizes to display for a one year-long placement, at pre-determined, publicly-accessible sites within the Town of Riverdale Park. The stipend is $2,000 per selected work.
Re-runs: These announcements have been posted here before, but it’s not too late to enter!
New Mexico residency
Deadline: July 30. The Starry Night Residency Program provides artists, writers, and curators with the opportunity to live and work within a small, creative community.
Deadline: July 30. Fire and Earth at Del Ray Artisans isa hybrid show that combines a national ceramic cup exhibit with a regional 2-D exhibit. This exhibit honors how fire in the kiln transforms earth (clay) into functional drinking vessels (cups, mugs, tankards, tumblers, goblets, and tea bowls). The 2-D exhibit on the walls of the gallery should reflect and communicate about these elements and with the 3-D ceramic pieces.
Deadline: August 1. Projekt30 is accepting submissions for an open-theme, monthly juried exhibition for September 2016 to include thirty artists. This is an online exhibit following a “public jurying” format.
Harrisonburg juried exhibit
Deadline: August 1. National Juried Art Show at Larkin Arts in Harrisonburg, VA: This is a national juried visual art competition and exhibition that is open to any artist, who is a resident of the United States and is over the age of 18, working in two-dimensional media. Painting, drawing, printmaking, photography or other traditional or non-traditional two-dimensional media, excluding film, are welcome.
Pets and animals
Deadline: August 10. For “Fur, Feathers, and Fins” at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center, the jury seeks works that explore the wide world of pets. All media welcome; small to large-scale installations; new media encouraged; indoor and outdoor works accepted; cash awards to be presented.
Deadline: August 18. For “Games: From Marbles to Minecraft” at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center, the jury invites artists to submit works that celebrate and explore the broad spectrum of game history, development and innovation, including game design, production, packaging, and marketing.
Deadline: August 18. The Athenaeum Invitational in Alexandria, VA is a theme-based event featuring the works of both specially-invited artists who have exhibited in the Athenaeum Gallery in the past, as well as works selected through a call for submissions open to anyone living or working in Virginia, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, or Maryland.
Fairwood Arts Festival
Deadline: August 19; early bird discount before July 29. The Prince George’s County Dept. of Parks & Recreation is seeking art vendors for the Fairwood Arts Festival in Bowie, MD. The application fee is $50 through July 29.
Chalk contest
Event: August 20; advance registration required. As part of the Annual Riverfront Chalk Festival in Lynchburg, VA, adults and children are invited to register for a 4′ × 4′ space for chalk art and compete for cash prizes. First prize is $500.
Uplifting art
Deadline: August 22. For “Light of Our Future” at Children’s National in DC, artists are invited to create artwork to uplift spirits of the children, families, hospital staff and visitors.
Fall art show
Deadline: September 1. The 45th Annual Fall Foliage Art Show (Waynesboro, VA) is seeking fine artists and artisans for the annual two day outdoor juried fine art exhibition.
Digital Fabrication Residency
Deadline: September 1. Digital Fabrication Residency program residents learn and gain hands-on experience with laser cutting, CNC routing, FDM 3D printing, digital embroidery, 2D plotting and 3D scanning. Applications for the 3 Day Onsite Residency Program in Easton, MD must include a project proposal that outlines what the resident plans to work on while onsite.
The nude figure
Deadline: September 9. The Nude Figure at Wayne Art Center in Wayne, PA is juried by Paul DuSold and Scott Noel. Open to all artists working in painting, drawing and sculpture.
Art League solo exhibits
Deadline: September 23. Entry is now open for 2018 solo artist exhibits at The Art League. Entry is open to all Art League members.
Deadline: September 28. “Root to Bloom: Places Artists Call Home” at Principle Gallery (Alexandria, VA) will feature paintings representative of where the featured artists call “home.” Works must be paintings no more than 40 inches along the longest edge (measured unframed).
Contemporary craft
Deadline: September 30. The Greater Denton Arts Council announces the opening of its 2017 Call for Entries for the 30th Annual Materials: Hard + Soft Contemporary Craft Exhibition. This exhibition celebrates the evolving field of contemporary craft and the innovation of artists who push the boundaries of their chosen media.
Small works
Deadline: September 30. The Council for the Arts (Chambersburg, PA) presents “Miniature Art 2016.” 2-D artwork must have an image size no greater than 4″ by 6″, and sculpture should not exceed 5″ in any direction. No crafts, jewelry, photography, laser prints or computer-generated artwork.
Photography about homelessness
Deadline: October 1. For Picture This, organized by Flashlight Baltimore, entries can depict the homeless experience from around the country, however the Baltimore region is preferred. Entries must be original photography.
Deadline: October 3. The Dexter Jones Award, an unrestricted prize of $5,000, is presented annually to a sculptor for an outstanding work of sculpture in bas-relief. Each competitor must be a United States sculptor between the ages of 18 and 39.
Figure & figurative
Deadline: October 11. Gallery Underground announces “Figuratively Speaking,” a national juried art competition. All-media artists, sculptors, and photographers are invited to create visual works that interpret the theme “Figuratively Speaking” in two different ways: by depicting human forms, faces and features in representational or abstract works (portraiture, sculpture and all subject matter including people); or works which depict a broader interpretation of the theme, such as figurative language and figures of speech.
Banff residency
Deadline: ongoing. Artists with a professional standing in their field and emerging artists of promising talent are encouraged to apply for Independent Residencies at the Leighton Artists’ Colony in Banff, Alberta.
Open Call
Deadline: Ongoing. Washington ArtWorks (Rockville, MD) is holding an Open Call for the Walls. Artists pay a fee to hang work for two-month periods in these unjuried exhibits.