! For Sunday 1/19: Due to winter weather, all classes and programs are canceled. The Gallery, Store, and League offices and buildings are closed. Please stay safe !

Artful Weekend August 12 – 13

Welcome to Artful Weekend -our listing of area art exhibits and events- This weekend: emBODY, Tabletop 2023, and Petal Reverie: From Trauma to Beauty by Rashad Ali Muhammad at the League; NOAPS Best of America at Principle Gallery; Obscura by Tinam Valk at Athenaeum Gallery; and Out of the Blue at Gallery Underground.     emBODY […]

Q&A with Rashad Ali Muhammad

By Julia Chance   If you’ve visited the second floor of the Torpedo Factory Art Center, perhaps you have seen Rashad Ali Muhammad in his studio deconstructing artificial flowers, or collaging the multitude of faux petals and leaves into colorful, mesmerizing works of art. A series of these creations comprise his solo exhibit Petal Reverie: […]